CAMELLIA OIL, the more you know, the more you love it.


Key words:

Haircare and beauty,detoxification and sterilization,clearing heat and dampness,prolonging life



Anti-cancer, heart strengthening, detoxification, anti-radiation,Promotes appetite of infants and children, improves qi, laxative, eliminatesinflammation, and promotes bone development

Prolong life

Camellia oil should be used by middle-aged and elderly people


Resists UV rays, prevents sun spots and reduces wrinkles


Camellia oil was praised by the Chairman of the Nutrition Cooperative Committee of the American Institutes of Health, Dr. Simoopoulos, as "the current edible oil in the world that fully meets national nutritional requirements. "


Scientific Name / Camellia oleiferaAbel

English name/Camellia oil

Also known as wild camellia oil, tea seed oil, oil tea seed oil


Extraction/Cold pressedcamelliatree seeds

Color/Clear, transparent liquid

Odor/Camellia oil odor



Internal and external use, hot cooking without oil smoke

Camellia oil is obtained from the seed species of Camellia sinensis, which is one of the oldest woody edible vegetable oils in China, and China is the country with the widest distribution of Camellia sinensis in the world, and is the largestcamellia oilproduction base in the world, except for a very small amount of distribution in Southeast Asia and Japan.


The five characteristics of camellia oil


1. Edible oil with green food properties

camellia oil, also known as oil tea seed oil, is produced from the wild species - oil tea tree. The tree grows in the sublime mountains, does not require artificial management, and does not have any pollution.


2. Easy for human digestion and absorption

Among the commonly used edible fats, oil tea contains the most high-quality fatty acids, the least amount of saturated fatty acids, and does not contain indigestible erucic acid, so most of the nutritioncamellia oilis easy for human tissues to absorb and use quickly.


3. Significant lipid-lowering performance

camellia oilcan remove harmful blood lipids saturated fatty acids and cholesterol, and has the effect of cleaning blood, reducing blood viscosity and unblocking blood vessels.


4. Strong antioxidant properties

camellia oilis a typical oleic/linoleic acid oil, the unsaturated fatty acid content is the first among edible oils, strong antioxidant is the commonality of these unsaturated fatty acidscamellia oilis rich in vitamin E is recognized as a strong antioxidant.


5. Good biofilm fluidity

camellia oilhas significant hypolipidemic properties, so it can remove the fat and cholesterol attached to the inner wall of blood vessels, unclog capillaries and arteries, increase the cross-section of blood vessels, soften and moisten blood vessels, restore their elasticity, and keep blood vessels young.



Main ingredients


Oleic acid 78-86%

Linoleic acid 7-10%

Linolenic acid 0.2-0.8%

Palmitic acid 8-10%

Stearic acid 1.5-3.5%

Camellia sinensis, tea polyphenols, saponins, tannins, squalene

Vitamin E, calcium, iron, zinc, etc.


The higher the oleic acidcontent, the greater the help in maintaining cardiovascular health.

Tea polyphenolshave anti-aging, anti-radiation, cancer cell inhibition, anti-bacterial, bactericidal, HIV inhibition, anti-resolution of heavy metal salts and alkaloid poisoning. Protect teeth and eyes, eliminate bad breath. Help digestion, enhance microvascular toughness, lower blood lipids, prevent liver and coronary artery atherosclerosis; lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, prevent stroke, anti-thrombotic, anti-skin allergy; improve the absorption of iron in the body, effectively prevent anemia; help inhibit cardiovascular disease.

Saponinhas a two-way regulation of immunity, anti-hypoxia and anti-fatigue, anti-low temperature stimulation, regulation of the kidney, kidney tonic thrombosis and other effects.

Tanninhas strong reducing properties, can remove superoxide radicals in the organism, delay aging. Enhance the body's immunity, prevent colds, prevent hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver lesions. Promote human metabolism, accelerate the repair of body tissues, and improve a series of chronic disease symptoms and symptoms of heart disease such as diabetes, kidney disease, hypertension and heart disease. Improves dry and rough skin, promotes skin wound healing, relieves burns and sunburns, and gives the skin a healthy and beautiful natural luster.

Squalenehas antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, and with flavonoids, has excellent effects on anti-cancer. It keeps the skin soft and healthy, is an antioxidant, effectively improves skin tone and relieves skin disorders such as psoriasis and dermatitis.

The "flower of life" contains 10 times morezincthan soybean oil, and contains the largest variety of amino acids of any edible oil. It promotes normal development of sexual organs; dry, rough skin and epithelial keratinization in case of zinc deficiency; maintains immune function, helps to remove cholesterol from the body and inhibits the occurrence of cancer.


Main origin: China


Intimate therapeutic effects



Physiological effects


Anti-cancer and cardiotonic effects.

Camellia sinensis has anti-cancer and heart-strengthening effects. omega-3 and tea polyphenols can promote the natural death of cancer cells and slow down the growth of tumors. omega-3 can also prevent the spread of cancer cells and increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy.


Detoxification and anti-radiation effects.

Tea polyphenols, also known as tea tannins, can effectively stop radioactive substances from invading the bone marrow and can cause strontium 90 and cobalt 60 to be rapidly excreted from the body.


Antitumor effect.

It has significant efficacy in preventing and treating nasopharyngeal cancer, significant efficacy in treating tumors, and has low toxicity and safety; Japanese scholars studied chlorogenic acid has anti-mutagenic effect, revealing the preventive effect on tumors.


Kidney tonic, enhance the immune effect of the body.

Anti-oxidation, anti-aging, anti-skeletal aging. Antibacterial, antiviral, diuretic, choleretic, hypolipidemic, and fetus-preserving effects.


Promotes postpartum recovery.

Pregnant women eat easily digestible, highly nutritious camellia oil can reduce the burden of the digestive system and promote human metabolism. Postpartum eating can make rapid recovery, less stretch marks, postpartum fat significantly improved.


Weight loss effect.

Modern obesity, cardiovascular disease, rich disease is a considerable part of the consumption of poor quality fats or excessive grease caused. Camellia oil has "no fat" characteristics, not only does not deposit in the internal organs and subcutaneous, but also can prevent fat deposition.




Skin care effect


The rich oleic acid in Chef Wu's wild camellia oil, also known as cosmetic acid, is a beauty and skin care product that effectively nourishes, moisturizes and hydrates the skin, making it a favorite of major skin care brands. The squalene, tea polyphenols and vitamin E contained in it are all beauty and anti-aging elements.

It nourishes the skin and antioxidants.

Protects from the sun and radiation.




camellia oilwonderful use


Pregnant women with itchy skin, etc.

The skin of pregnant women in the late stages of stretching, prone to itching, dryness and cracking phenomenon. Apply camellia oil early in the morning every day to prevent relief.


Postnatal tonic

It is consumed after childbirth to tonic the body and allow early wound healing. Regular consumption of wild camellia oil by pregnant women can promote fetal development, increase breast milk and restore postpartum body shape.


Infant eczema

It is used for infant eczema and diaper rash, and is safe and effective when applied directly to the affected area.


Infant falls and bruises

Apply to the affected area to reduce redness and swelling.


Constipation of pregnant women, constipation of the elderly

Take 1 spoon of camellia oil every morning on an empty stomach to solve constipation of pregnant women; 10-15mgcamellia oil1/3 honey, take once a day in the morning and once in the evening for 3-5 days to cure constipation of the elderly.


Hair oil therapy

Used for hair care to prevent hair breakage and shedding; rubbed on body after bath to enhance skin elasticity and prevent itchy skin in winter.


Eliminate eye bags

Rub a little camellia oil around the eyes before going to bed to eliminate bags under the eyes.


Protect your hands and lips

Camellia oil is the best hand cream and moisturizer. Apply a small amount to lips in the morning and evening in winter to prevent dry and cracked lips.


High blood pressure and lower cholesterol

Take two tablespoons of camellia oil mixed with white rice and consume it every morning.


Postpartum Belly

Stir-fry with camellia oil to cleanse the liver and detoxify the body, remove small belly fat during pregnancy and restore the figure.


Foot cramps

Stir-fry lean pork with camellia oil, add a piece of ginger, stir-fry and cook, to boiling water with bok choy.

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